SB PONY baseball fields are located at J.H. McGaugh Elementary School - 1698 Bolsa Ave, Seal Beach, CA 90740. The fields are behind/south of the school. Parking will be available in the school parking lot and in the surrounding neighborhoods. IMPORTANT - Please do not park on the west side of Riviera (in front of the houses). This is resident parking by permit only, and you will get ticketed! Make sure your family and friends are aware of this. Also, please be respectful of our neighbors by not blocking driveways, leaving any litter behind, and by pulling forward to make room for two cars if possible.
NO DOGS, BBQs, or Alcohol
Field 1 - Mustang Field - located near snack shack on north side of campus
Field 2 - Pinto Field - located south of Field 1, near the corner of Marlin and Riviera
Field 3 - Shetland Field - located southeast corner of fields near playground.
We kindly ask that you refrain from using any noise makers during the games. The school also does not allow e-bikes or dogs on campus.
If you are looking for a distraction for your little ones, there are multiple playground areas on the campus to keep them entertained.
Our snack shack will be open from beginning of the first game through the end of the last game of the tournament. The morning staff proudly serves Nick's (Famous) Breakfast Burritos on both Saturday and Sunday! Get them early because they do sell out!
Friday evening: BBQ Grill (hot dogs, hamburgers), and Pizza by the slice will be available
Saturday/Sunday: Nick's Breakfast Burritos available from open, until they sell out. Pulled pork and tri-tip sandwiches.
BBQ Grill will start up at 11:00 am and remain open until 6:00 pm
Pizza by the slice
Please check-in 1 hour prior to your game time with 1 dozen Diamond baseballs, and a Score Book. You will turn in your scores / pitch logs to the registration table at the end of your game.
Number of Games: Each team in Pinto, and Mustang is guaranteed a minimum of 3 games. In Shetland, we had a team back out at the last minute and we can't guarantee 3 games for all teams. The top two teams in both the Gold and Silver Bracket will play a Championship Game on Sunday June 11th. Semi-final game winners will play in a championship game.
1st and 2nd Place in both Gold and Silver brackets in each age division will receive medals.
Please contact Dan Mc Gowan at allstar@SBpony.com or Matt Rhoads at president@sbpony.com
Each team must provide 1 dozen baseballs.
Home Team determined by coin toss before each game.
Games will be governed by 2023 Pony Baseball Tournament Rules in conjunction with SBPB Local Rules. Teams must have No less than 12 players registered and No more than 15 players registered.
Rosters are not permitted to change after acceptance by the Tournament Director.
All players must have played within the same Pony sponsored 2023 league.
Copy of league’s insurance policy declaration page must be provided before first game.
Proof of each player’s age must be submitted prior to first game (e.g. copies of birth certificates).
Team roster submission required at least one hour before first game.
Teams will not be permitted to play without the above required information.